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Cubs Win Was Pizza Perfect

The Chicago Cubs won the World Series for the first time in 108 years last night which is all we heard about today. The news motivated me to print out an edible image of the 2016 World Champions logo for something special this evening with my children. My children, ages four to almost sixteen, have been wanting pizza all week which got me brainstorming. They have seen it all, tasted it all and lately I have had to work hard to get them to say, "That's really cool mom!" Never Forgotten Designs has always been about them, celebrating special events and making food fun. So, I thought they would get a kick out of seeing an edible image on the very thing they have been craving... PIZZA!
What You Need:
- You Favorite Cheese Pizza! We had a free pizza from Domino's Pizza and some awesome coupons. No brainer for a family of 7.
- An Edible Image Custom Created by Never Forgotten Designs
-Pair of Scissors
-Hungry Kids
1. Take your edible image and if needed, use clean scissors to cut out your design.
2. Place a paper towel on your fresh pizza to absorb the excess oil. You may need to do this multiple times before placing your edible image on top.
3. Place you edible image on top and using clean hands, smooth it out if necessary. Please note, you get once chance here, make sure you line it up centered when you go to place it as you are unable to pull up and reposition.
4. This is a good time to show off your pizza to your guest! Call everyone over and let them see. Be prepared to answer the most common question, "Can you eat it?"
5. When it's time to serve, re-cut with a pizza cutter by following the cut lines from the pizza shop your purchased from.
6. Enjoy!
All edible images by Never Forgotten Designs are made at The Studio in St. Louis. The Studio is the design center with certified commercial kitchen which caters to bakers, caterers, event planners and food service providers. Learn more about The Studio by clicking here!